X Author: Peiyuan Yu
Lilley, Drew, Peiyuan Yu, Jason Ma, Anubhav Jain, and Ravi S Prasher."Thermal fluids with high specific heat capacity through reversible Diels-Alder reactions."iScience
25.1 (2022) 103540. DOI
Lilley, Drew, Peiyuan Yu, Jason Ma, Anubhav Jain, and Ravi S Prasher."Thermal Fluids with High Specific Heat Capacity through Reversible Diels–Alder Reactions."iScience
(2021) 103540. DOI
Spotte‐Smith, Evan WalterCla, Peiyuan Yu, Samuel M Blau, Ravi S Prasher, and Anubhav Jain."Aqueous Diels–Alder reactions for thermochemical storage and heat transfer fluids identified using density functional theory."Journal of Computational Chemistry
41.24 (2020) 2137 - 2150. DOI
Yu, Peiyuan, Anubhav Jain, and Ravi S Prasher."Enhanced Thermochemical Heat Capacity of Liquids: Molecular to Macroscale Modeling."Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering
23.3 (2019) 235 - 246. DOI