Prasher, Ravi S."Thermal Radiation Through a Nano Aperture."ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
(2006) 171–175. DOI
Prasher, Ravi S, W Evans, P Meakin, J Fish, and others others."Effect of aggregation on thermal conduction in colloidal nanofluids."Applied Physics Letters
89 (2006) 143119. DOI
Holalkere, Ven R, Ravi S Prasher, and Stephen Montgomery."Integrated stacked microchannel heat exchanger and heat spreader."
Pokharna, Himanshu, Rajiv K Mongia, Ravi S Prasher, Sridhar Machiroutu V, Je-Young Chang, and John W Horigan."Apparatus for using fluid laden with nanoparticles for application in electronic cooling."
Prasher, Ravi S."Far field thermal radiation through nanoholes and apertures."Nano Letters
6 (2006) 2135–2139. DOI
Prasher, Ravi S, David W Song, Jinlin Wang, and Patrick E Phelan."Measurements of nanofluid viscosity and its implications for thermal applications."Appl. Phys. Lett.
89.13 (2006). DOI
Prasher, Ravi S, and Patrick E Phelan."Microscopic and macroscopic thermal contact resistances of pressed mechanical contacts."J. Appl. Phys.
100 (2006) 063538. DOI
Prasher, Ravi S."Transverse thermal conductivity of porous materials made from aligned nano- and microcylindrical pores."J. Appl. Phys.
100 (2006) 064302. DOI
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, S Nara, P Vijayan, T Tang, W . Y. Lai, Patrick E Phelan, Ravi S Prasher, David W Song, and J Wang."Characterization of the Temperature Oscillation Technique to Measure the Thermal Conductivity of Fluids."International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
49.17-18 (2006) 2950-2956.
Ravi V, Kramadhati, Ravi S Prasher, and Gregory M Chrysler."IC die with directly bonded liquid cooling device."
Prasher, Ravi S, and S Sinha."Modeling of thermal conductivity of nanofiber-based nanocomposite."Thermal and Thermomechanical Proceedings 10th Intersociety Conference on Phenomena in Electronics Systems, 2006. ITHERM 2006.
(2006) 12 pp.–1256. DOI
Prasher, Ravi S."Heat flux based microchannel heat exchanger architecture for two phase and single phase flows."
Krishnamurthy, S, Prajesh Bhattacharya, Patrick E Phelan, and Ravi S Prasher."Enhanced Mass Transport in Nanofluids."Nanoletters
6.3 (2006) 419-423. DOI
Prasher, Ravi S, and Patrick E Phelan."A Unified Microscopic and Macroscopic Thermal Contact Resistance Model."ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
(2006) 525–533. DOI
Prasher, Ravi S."Beating the Thermal Conductivity of Air Using Packed Nanoparticle Bed."ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
(2006) 457–462. DOI
Kim, Sarah E, R R Scott List, James G Maveety, Alan M Myers, Quat T Vu, Ravi S Prasher, and Ravindranath V Mahajan."Electro-osmotic pumps and micro-channels."
Chrysler, Gregory M, and Ravi S Prasher."Integrated micro channels and manifold/plenum using separate silicon or low-cost polycrystalline silicon."
Kim, Sarah E, R R Scott List, James G Maveety, Alan M Myers, Quat T Vu, Ravi S Prasher, Ravi Mahajan, and Gilroy Vandentop."Using external radiators with electroosmotic pumps for cooling integrated circuits."
Chang, Je-Young, Ravi S Prasher, Paul J Gwin, and Ioan Sauciuc."Apparatus and associated method for microelectronic cooling."
Prasher, Ravi S, Prajesh Bhattacharya, and Patrick E Phelan."Brownian Motion Based Convective- Conductive Model for the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids."Journal of Heat Transfer
128 (2006) 588-595.
Prasher, Ravi S, Prajesh Bhattacharya, and Patrick E Phelan."Effect of Aggregation Kinetics on the Thermal Conductivity of Nanoscale Colloidal Solutions (Nanofluids)."Nanoletters
6 (2006) 1529-1534.
Phelan, Patrick E, Ravi S Prasher, S Krishnamurthy, and Prajesh Bhattacharya."Enhanced Heat And Mass Transfer In Nanofluids."Annals of the Assembly for International Heat Transfer Conference 13Nanoscale
(2006). DOI
Prasher, Ravi S."Thermal conductivity of composites of aligned nanoscale and microscale wires and pores."J. Appl. Phys.
(2006). DOI
Prasher, Ravi S."Thermal conductivity of hollow nanowires."Thermal and Thermomechanical Proceedings 10th Intersociety Conference on Phenomena in Electronics Systems, 2006. ITHERM 2006.
(2006) 11 pp.–1170. DOI
Prasher, Ravi S."Thermal conductivity of tubular and core/shell nanowires."Appl. Phys. Lett.
89 (2006) 063121. DOI